

令人惊讶的是, we are fast approaching the one-year anniversary of when – like much of American higher education – 博彩平台网址大全 transitioned our learning, teaching 和 working from our three campuses to largely remote environments. 尽管健康状况空前, 社会, 文化, financial 和 technological challenges COVID-19 has presented during this difficult time, Pacific has successfully continued our mission of teaching 和 developing the next generation of leaders at the highest levels. And that is because of the extraordinary efforts of all of you – our talented 和 hard-working students, 我们充满激情和创造力的教师和无私和不知疲倦的员工. 因为我们面对了这些以前无法想象的障碍, 因为你,太平洋比以往任何时候都更强大. 我们确实是太平洋的骄傲. 感谢你们所做的一切,感谢你们将继续做的一切.


现在,我们终于可以看到黑暗隧道尽头的光明了. Since the first COVID-19 vaccinations started 11 weeks ago, 15 percent of the U.S. 人们已经接受了这些拯救生命的注射. 多于1.每天注射700万针, 和 that pace continues to accelerate as state 和 local governments 和 health care companies refine the distribution process. 在太平洋公司, thanks to the leadership of Provost Maria Pallavicini 和 the Pacific COVID Council, 我们大学已经为几千名太平洋人接种了疫苗, 包括我们的一线医护人员, 在第一时间作出回应, 以临床为基础的教师和卫生专业学生, 65岁及以上的同事, 根据我们县的指导方针. We now have started to vaccinate Pacific employees who have been required to report to the Stockton 和 San Francisco campuses, 和 we are working with health officials in 萨克拉门托县 to do the same on our Sacramento campus. We will continue to push for as many vaccines as we can for all of our community members on all three campuses.

Meanwhile, COVID-19 rates continue to steadily decline across all three of our communities. 新冠肺炎发病率又回到了6月份的水平, before the major spikes experienced during the summer 和 at the beginning of winter. We will continue to closely monitor those trends, but right now they are extremely encouraging. 您可以在以下网址监控基于国家的COVID仪表板 圣华金县萨克拉门托县 和 旧金山县. You also can follow the COVID specifics on our three campuses on our comprehensive 太平洋COVID仪表板.

给n the great progress in these early weeks of 2021 on both the vaccines 和 the coronavirus rates, we are now confident that we will be able to largely re-open our three campuses by the time Fall semester begins. 这意味着大多数课程将回到我们的实体教室, 实验室, 诊所和工作室, 学生将返回宿舍, 以及我们的大部分服务, 课外活动和活动将恢复到面对面.

当然, 我们都知道, COVID-19可能难以预测, so we will continue to closely monitor trends 和 follow the scientific 和 regulatory guidance of federal, 州和县的卫生专家. 我们将为任何突发博彩平台网址大全排名做好准备. 此外,我们将抵制过早开放的诱惑. 我们将保持现状, largely remote learning 和 working environments through the spring semester 和 will make determinations on summer as we get closer. 一如既往地, 我们的决策将以科学为依据, 事实以及我们太平洋社区的健康和福利. 当我们返回时,我们将采取适当的保护措施.

而我们学生的身心健康, 教职员工是我们的首要任务, we also have been laser focused on the financial health of our institution. 全国各地的大学都受到了疫情的严重冲击. 《博彩平台网址大全》估计,2019冠状病毒病已使美国损失了400万美元.S. 高等教育增加了1830亿美元的健康, 安全和技术成本以及住房带来的收入损失, 餐厅, 学费, 费用和其他来源.

然而,我们太平洋航空公司的财务状况比许多美国公司要好得多.S. colleges 和 universities because of the superb efforts of our faculty 和 staff to keep enrollment strong 和 because of very real personal sacrifices they have made. All Pacific employees gave up their full university retirement contributions for the entire fiscal year (July 1 through June 30) to mitigate the financial impact on our students. 此外, staff have picked up added workload created by a cost-savings hiring freeze, 许多教员还开设了额外的课程, some staff worked reduced hours 和 top university executives took yearlong salary reductions. These very real 和 personal sacrifices by faculty 和 staff – coupled with other cost-cutting measures across the university – have allowed us to minimize the burden on our students 和 their families, 允许我们将明年的学费涨幅限制在 最大 of 2.5%——最低的增长百分比 本科学费 在太平洋工作了50多年. 同样的, 食宿 增幅保持在平均2个.4%. 而且任何费用都不会增加. 同时, we know that even these increases can adversely impact students 和 their families who have been hit hard by COVID. That is why Pacific has established a fund to help mitigate changes in financial circumstances for the new academic year. 学生可以通过参观了解更多 http://b8f.crashbandicootparapc.com/financial-aid/appeals.

最后,说说我们的暑期计划. In the spirit of our safe 和 responsible approach to returning to our campuses, our current plan is to offer a robust set of all-online courses for Summer I 和 Summer II for undergraduate 和 graduate students. While the Pacific learning experience is based on in-person teaching 和 learning, we know most of our students are not on our campuses during the summer months. We hope these online courses will provide students more flexibility as they progress towards their degrees. 但我们也希望有一个非常不同的夏季第三次会议的经验. 如果条件允许, we plan to invite students back to the Stockton campus early (starting July 19) to connect 和 engage in both academic 和 co-curricular activities throughout Summer III. We think this is a particularly important opportunity for our rising sophomores, 谁还没有体验过校园生活和学习. But we also will invite our returning students as well as our new first-time students, who may want to get a head start on their learning 和 their Pacific college experience – especially since most of them have had to navigate 16 months of living 和 learning in isolation from their friends 和 classmates. Our 金融援助 Office is carving out special funding for financially eligible undergraduate 和 graduate students to help with the 学费 和 housing costs of Summer III. 和我们秋季学期的计划一样, our Summer III approach will be predicated on the latest scientific 和 health guidelines 和 vaccination rates.

一如既往,如果你有任何问题,请博彩平台网址大全. And if possible, try to attend one of our regular Conversations with 主席卡拉汉.

谢谢大家. 还有,请在符合条件的时候尽快接种疫苗!

保持好. 保持安全. 加油,老虎队!



